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America's Communities Together

The APhA Foundation's initiatives take a principle-centered approach to focusing on what needs to be done in practices across the United States, while simultaneously providing pharmacists with tools and resources to make individual decisions at a local level about how new innovative services will be implemented within local communities. This approach produces consistency and predictability for patient experiences across the continuum of implementing practices, setting the stage for the type of care transformation we collectively seek.


Information about a sample of some of the IMPACT that pharmacists have produced through the fusion of new point-of-care innovations combined with optimized processes of care in Foundation initiatives can be found at


As part of the IMPACT Network, your practice will have the opportunity to participate in future Solutions that include point-of-care and home testing with integrated pharmacists services.


IMPACT Care Transformation Network
Click here to join, or submit below if you have a question.

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 Address. 2215 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20037

Tel. 800-279-6411

© 2021, APhA Foundation. All Rights Reserved.

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